Services linguistiques / language services


There are people who think that speaking two languages enables them to translate… it’s not that simple. A mistake, even small, can be quite costly. The translator is trained to recognize the nuances of any given text and choose the appropriate equivalent to ensure that the resulting message is just as clear, complete and stylish in the target language.

Rapid technological advances may lead some to believe that turning to free online automatic translation tools (such as Google Translate) is enough. Wrong. No software is advanced enough to care about your readers and your corporate image.

Only a professional can do that.



A small mistake can cause a great deal of confusion; a proper revision will put your mind at rest. The editor ensures that the target text is well written, consistent and grammatically correct, while mindful of your audience and respectful of your company culture.

I offer two types of editing:

  • French editing, for all types of documents.
  • Comparative editing: comparing a translated document with its source. This service can be performed either from English to French or from French to English.



Proofreading is the last look before printing. It’s the last chance to ensure that no mistakes have been inadvertently forgotten or inserted during one of the previous stages, that the layout is perfect and that all the information is there.

While self-editing is always performed prior to the delivery of any project, it is still wise to ask for final proofing, especially if the text is transferred to a third party for publishing and printing, such as leaflets, posters or any other promotional document.


Don’t hesitate to contact me for more information or ask for a quote.